To Blog or Not to Blog: Yet Another Blogging Journey

by Nick
~1 minute
To Blog or Not to Blog: Yet Another Blogging Journey

In the big internet world filled with lots of blogs, why start another one? Well, I have thought about this for a long while, and using the Notes app on my phone is just not cutting it. The main purpose is for me to track and document my notes and ideas about, my wins, fails, experiments, and interests. Mostly for my indoor plant journey, but maybe some gardening, hiking, bushwalking, camping, firefighting, woodworking, electronics, photography, websites, computing, linux, graphic design and anything else which I find interesting.

So what I'm trying to say here is that I'm doing this for myself but you're welcome to come along for the journey... So here I go, another another another gardening/hiking/firefighting/whatever blog to spoil the internet. 

Let's see how long this lasts before I forget and neglect it like so many other projects 😅